25 Oktober 2011



Did you know one day someone greeted the prophet by saying, "Alaikas salam". Then the prophet said, "do not say "Alaikas salam" because that is to show respect to the dead", say, "Assalamu'alaik..au kama qol (Riwayat Imam2 Abu Dawud dan Termidzi denga isnad yang sahih dan Imam Termidzi mengatakan bahawa ini adalah Hadis hasan sohih)

You know what would people do in order to achieve any objective or mission? They'd get killed, get tortured, sliced, grated and other ways we could never imagined possible. Is that normal you think? Let us ponder upon what has happened just a few years starting from now.

I don't know where to begin. Let's just say a lot of people have been dead since I started this blog, not because of this blog but for reasons one would get up and find efforts before things worsen. In every community we will every, if their rights or haqq has been raped, they would device whatever way to secure their position.

With the world economic crisis, everyone is weary of how their future outlook would become. I mean, let's face it, a family needs to be fed, cars need to be fueled and this life continues regardless of how bad or good the situation is.

After watching the video of how the now-dead libyan leader, I became speechless. Words could not describe the feeling he must have gone through ie being tortured alive. The worse thing is, there a voice shouting "Allah is great, Allah is great!!". Subahnallah...what kind of muslims have we all become?

Im no scholar but my gut tells me, what they done was NOT RIGHT! I remembered how our beloved prophet regained his postion during fathul makkah..he and his faithful companions held their head humbly without trying to even slaughter a non-believer considering what they (non-believers) had done to the prophet and believers..

Talk about trying to change the stereotypes and the negative islamic views in the media. Good job indeed.

So where does that leave us? Do we just let it be and let this situation spiral-down? Or we stand together, with only intention in mind, to correct what is wrong ONLY for Allah NOTHING ELSE. But whose doing that these day? Very LITTLE.

Are muslims turning to barbarians as described by the orientalists? Is it coming true? Are words written by the kuffar turning into action (reality) Of course NOT! Muslims were NEVER barbarians. You know what's the cause of all of these?

Knowledge. Simply put. Having NO knowledge about islam is soooo old school. Yeah its true. Lemme share a hadith, (translate if you don't speak malingo)

"Dari Abu Bakar bin Abu Musa al-Asy'ari r.a., katanya: "Saya mendengar ayah saya r.a., di waktu ia sedang berada di hadapan musuh, ia berkata: "Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda

"Sesungguhnya pintu-pintu syurga itu ada di bawah naugan pedang-pedang."

Lalu ada seorang lelaki yang kurang teratur keadaan pakaiannya, lalu berkata:

"Hai Abu Musa, adakah anda mendengar sendiri Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda sedemikian itu?"

Ia menjawab, "Ya".

Orang itu lalu kembali ke tempat kawan-kawannya lalu berkata, "Saya mengucapkan salam sejahtera kepadamu semua". Kemudian ia mematahkan ranga pedangnya lalu melemparkannya, selanjutnya berjalanlah ia dengan membaw pendangnya ke tempat musuh, terus memukul dengan pedangnya tadi sehingga ia terbunuh." (Riwayat Muslim)

Three things for us to be aware of:

1) Jihad
2) Ascertaining a certain action has its dalil (proof)
3) That every action we take into action

Every muslim has the right to the RIGHT knowledge and its every scholars duty to inform or let the audience know the status of a certain hadith. In other words, we can't just say, awww this is hadeeth! Fullstop.

Are muslims really that lazy to find out or just ask. There is only two authority is this world that is Allah and His messenger. Its not up to WE to judge what is good and bad and what is good and bad must and ALWAYS be based on the quran and sunnah.

But like I said in the beginning, every men, women, group, groupies etc have their own agenda and they will do whatever they can to protect what the believe in. Its just too bad sometimes when something bad is always be pointed to islam..Why other religions are never labeled terrorists?

As mentioned, asking the right question is important but you don't want to ask too much. This is what happened with bani israael when Allah commanded them to slaughter a cow via prophet Musa and literally said, "you joking right?". (Al Baqarah: 67). May we be protected from becoming a jaheel. Ameen.

Moving on, taking words into action. Ahhh, the difficult part. As mentioned by Allah subhanallahu wa ta'aala in Al baqarah verse 44.

We tell people to do it. But we ourselves don't do it. Funny right? and sad.

What's even funny and sad is when people DO certain action which it has NO authority, meaning, Allah and the prophet did not ask us to do certain actions. So many, I don't even know where to begin.

Alas, the importance of knowledge and how extremely important for us to seek it. To seek it from the right person who reflects it according to his/her action, not just words.

I ask myself and fellow muslims all over the world, to reflect the verses and sunnah in our daily actions. It may not be at full throttle but at least we STEP UP and make sure that every individual muslims growing up does not divert their ways, away from what Allah and the prophet has commanded.

I will leave you with this:

Abdullah ibn Abbas (radi Allahu anhu) narrated: “We would come with Abdullah ibn Masud to the Masjid.

One day Abu Musa al-Ashari came, looking worried, and asked whether Abu Abdur-Rehman (Ibn Masud) had come out. We said ‘No,’ so he also sat waiting.

When Ibn Masud came out Abu Musa said, ‘Just now I saw an innovation but it looks good in seeing.’

Ibn Masud said, ‘What did you see?’ Abu Musa said, ‘I saw a group sitting in a circle waiting for us. They had pebbles in their hands. In every circle there was a man who said, ‘Say Takbeer one hundred times’ so they said Takbeer (Allahu Akbar) one hundred times. Then he said, ‘Say Tahleel one hundred times’ so they said Tahleel (Alhamdulillah) one hundred times, and likewise they said Tasbeeh (SubhanAllah) one hundred times.’

Ibn Masud said, ‘Then what did you say?’ Abu Musa said, ‘I did not say anything and I waited for you.’”

“Whilst talking both reached the Masjid and observed the recitation in the manner described by Abu Musa. Addressing the people of one circle

Ibn Masud asked, ‘What is going on?’ They said, ‘These are pebbles and on them we are reciting Takbeer, Tahleel and Tasbeeh of Allah.’

Ibn Masud said, ‘Instead of this you better count your sins. I stand in surety that Allah will not allow your virtues to go to waste.

Alas O Ummah of Muhammad (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam), how soon you are spoiled. What a number of Sahabah are still amongst you. The clothes of the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) are still not worn out. The utensils he used are still intact. And so you think that you are following a way which is better than the Prophet’s and gives better guidance? Are you not opening a door of deviation through this Bidah (innovation in religious matters)?’

The people replied apologetically, ‘By Allah our Neeyah (intention) was good.’ Ibn Masud said,

‘What a number of men there are that intend good but never reach that good.’” [Narrated by Ad-Daarimee in As-Sunan]
